Voodoo Sweets


Entry to this week’s Friday Fictioneers!

The old witch had enough of the kids who pranked her house last Halloween. This time, she’d offer them some special sweets inspired from her apprenticeship in Haiti decades ago. A simple voodoo spell she cast on the confections, normally used to link sensations between patients and healers once consumed. Only fools would bite at the same apple twice and more so if tempted she smirked. Laying out the fancy bowl of delectables by the door, she inscribed in fine print on a placard “Please take only one”. Those kids should be feeling a bit wobbly by night’s end!

17 responses »

  1. We don’t much do Halloween in my part of the UK, and I misunderstood how it worked. So when the kids came to the door without a treat for me, I gave them a treat. And earned myself the name of witch.


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