Monthly Archives: August 2016

Borrowed Time


Entry to this week’s FFfaW! Image courtesy of Louise with The Story Teller’s Abode! 

Tis a gift to all the unborn,
to dreams and to desire,
to futures that seek to pass.

But can they will it?
Knowing that their journey must end,
and their efforts naught for themselves.

Endure they must this contradiction,
for their time given must be returned in kind,
transformed into innumerable forms realized,
to buttress the chasm from which they came.

And if they succumb to the wasteland?
The profligates and the sloths,
those who dismantle and coast.
What of their fates?

Tragedy, for they hasten the end.
Time wasted, time revoked.




Entry to this weeks 3LineTales! Photo credit to Breno Machado

Hush blew the winds amidst midnight’s cover.

Conspirators gather; identities raven.

Till a rasp voice broke and a tiny spark flew. Mayhem ignite!

To Fly


Entry to this week’s Sunday Photo Fiction! Image courtesy of Al Forbes.

A single tether.

Oh how fragile life treats her children.

That fear has gripped you.

What once nourished now imprisons

As youth wilts into old age untested.

But fear not for these petals are more than just show.

And the seed you carry will become more than its predecessor.

So ready yourself,

The gust has come.

The Gambler


Entry to this week’s Sunday Photo Fiction!


Jack found a tiny hook by the edge of a small pond. Tying a piece of string to its end, he threw it into the water and in short order, the pond offered him a fish. Impressed, Jack bought up a hundred tiny hooks and threw them into the pond. Not a single fish was caught. Puzzled, he asked the captive fish why the others didn’t bite. The fish replied that its siblings were young and haven’t yet lived out their lives. Not believing the fish, Jack bought a large hook and rowed out to the center of the pond. As soon as he dropped the line, three rows of giant teeth sprang from the depths and swallowed him and the boat whole.